Redis url cache

An extensible node.js URL caching library

redis-url-cache helps you store and retrieve url content from a Redis datastore.

Getting started


    npm install redis-url-cache


Create your config files with the following content

    module.exports.rules = {
        always: [],
        maxAge: [],
        never: []
        default: 'always'

    module.exports.redis = {
        port: 6379

This will store indefinitively all urls by default

Create your caching instance

This will store this instance definition inside Redis. This should be executed only once.

    const CacheCreator = require('redis-url-cache').RedisUrlCache.CacheCreator;
    const {redis, rules} = require('cache-config');

    CacheCreator.createCache('INSTANCE_1', false, redis, rules, err => {  });

Start using it

    const {Instance, CacheEngineCB, CacheEnginePromise} = require('redis-url-cache').RedisUrlCache;
    const {redis} = require('cache-config');

    const instance = new Instance('INSTANCE_1', redis, {}, (err) => {} );

    const cacheEngineCB = new CacheEngineCB('', instance);

    //or use the promise support instead
    const cacheEnginePromise = new CacheEnginePromise('', instance);

    const urlCB = cacheEngineCB.url('/someRelative.html');
    const urlPromise = cacheEnginePromise.url('/someRelative.html');

    urlCB.set('Hello', { headers: [] },  false, (err, status) => {
        if(err) throw err;
    } );

    urlCB.get( (err, result) => {
        //result = {
            content: 'Hello',
            extra: { headers: [] },
            createdOn: 12345677
    } );

    urlPromise.has().then( exists  => {
        //exists = true because these two cacheEngines share the same instance and same default domain.
    }, err => {});

Check out the API to learn more.